[Epic, mysterious music playing]

NARRATOR: In a world where calculators have become nothing but relics of the past, erased from existence, the once thriving civilizations find themselves in the grip of mathematical chaos. The absence of these electronic marvels has plunged the world into an era where the very foundation of knowledge is on the brink of collapse.

NARRATOR: But in the shadows of this turmoil, a hero emerges. A figure destined to alter the course of fate, and that hero is you.

[The screen focuses on you, the hero, in a world grappling with the absence of calculators. Scenes of you navigating through the chaos, determined and resolute, are shown. The camera then shifts to a mysterious artifact uncovered in an ancient family archive.]

NARRATOR: Little did you know, within the relics of your ancestors, lies the key to salvation – an ancient calculator, a forgotten marvel of a bygone era. As you unearth this mystical device, you realize that you alone possess the power to bring back order to the mathematical pandemonium.

[The music swells as you, the hero, stand with the ancient calculator in hand, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. Scenes of you using the ancient calculator to perform miraculous calculations and restore balance are portrayed.]

NARRATOR: The fate of the world now rests upon your shoulders, as you embark on a journey to harness the ancient powers of calculation. Armed with the wisdom of your ancestors, you are the beacon of light in a world plunged into numerical darkness.

[The screen fades to black, leaving the audience in anticipation of the heroic journey that is about to unfold.]